The Forcythe foundation is committed to enriching lives through educational programs, leadership development, and community-building events. Our initiatives are designed to inspire and equip the next generation of innovators.


Empowering aspirations through targeted initiatives

We are dedicated to creating programs that offer tangible benefits and real-world opportunities. Our initiatives are carefully crafted to address the diverse needs of students and young professionals, providing them with the tools and platforms necessary for personal and professional development. From interactive sessions with seasoned experts to comprehensive leadership and entrepreneurship training, our aim is to ignite a passion for learning and a drive for innovation.

The Vision

Our vision is a global community where education and opportunity converge to create leaders who are equipped to navigate and shape the future. The Forcythe Foundation envisions a world where every aspiring mind has the support and resources to turn their dreams into impactful realities.

The Mission

Our Foundation’s mission is to unlock the potential within every individual, fostering a culture of innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurial spirit that resonates with our company’s ethos. We’re dedicated to building a brighter future by nurturing the talents and ambitions of students and young professionals worldwide.

Our Programs

Breakfast with Experts

Breakfast with Experts is a unique initiative that brings together young professionals and recent school leavers with industry leaders. This program provides an intimate setting for knowledge exchange, mentorship, and networking over breakfast. It’s an opportunity to gain insights from those who’ve paved the way and to connect with peers who are also at the start of their professional journeys.


The Forcythe Leadership and Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program (FLEAP) is tailored for university students in their second year and above. FLEAP offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes Leadership Development, Entrepreneurship Training, Mentorship Programs, and Networking Events. Our goal is to equip participants with the skills and connections needed to become the next generation of innovators and leaders.

Program Offerings

Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Developing the leaders of tomorrow through workshops, seminars, and hands-on experiences that instil the essential skills of effective leadership.

Entrepreneurship Training

Entrepreneurship Training

Equipping aspiring entrepreneurs with the knowledge and tools to build successful ventures, fostering innovation and business acumen.

Mentorship Program

Mentorship Program

Connecting participants with seasoned professionals for guidance, support, and inspiration, creating a robust network of mentors and mentees.

Networking Events

Networking Events

Hosting events that bring together diverse individuals to share ideas, collaborate, and form lasting professional relationships.

Voices of Impact

Hear directly from the individuals who have experienced the transformative power of our programs. Their stories are a testament to our commitment to nurturing talent and ambition

Attending #BWE was a pivotal moment for my business. The practical advice and networking have been a catalyst for growth for my personal development and the expansion of my business.

Jamiu Lawal
Business Owner

The mentorship I have been receiving from the FLEAP program has been incredible. I am excited that I am gaining valuable tech skills. It has given me clarity and a path to follow for my future career.

Mubarak Abdul
Student - UNILAG

The FLEAP program has boosted my confidence, expanded my network and opened my eyes to real-world applications in tech. It is hands-on, challenging, and totally worth it.

Tosan Osas
Student - UNIBEN

Be a catalyst for change. Join forces with us.

By partnering with us, your involvement will spark innovation, empower leaders, and create a lasting impact. Let’s collaborate to make a difference.

Quantifying Change, One Life at a Time


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